We truly believe in the philosophy of ‘જીવ સેવા એજ પ્રભુ સેવા’ and made it our mission. We had a very humble beginning and now we have established a very strong foundation. It is our ambition to serve not only cows but also all animals and save them from injuries and slaughter houses. We are always open to associate ourself with like minded people and organizations to serve this purpose. We welcome your participation in any possible manner.
We sincerely feel that it is our duty to help this innocent animals with whatever small means. If this mission gets support from common people of society, it will no longer be a dream but a leaving reality.
If we see our history, you will get to know that cows were never considered animal but a member of the family. We have always seen her as our mother. This is the time we should fulfill our duty for this holy animal. Our small contribution will make a lot of difference, so no amount is a small amount. Even 10 rupees a day in our donation box by thousands of people have made it possible for us to continue this service for very large scale.
We encourage you to spread this message to maximum number of people. You can serve by giving your time to this cause as well.